20 Main St
Millbury MA 01527

About Our Church

Our Mission Statement: Glorify, Edify, Testify
Our Vision Statement: The Millbury Federated Church is a growing community of people who love God first and foremost, and express love in worship: who love their neighbors as themselves: Are united in ministering to each other and those around them, and the world, by living out their personal relationships with Jesus Christ and utilization of their spiritual gifts.
Our Church Behavioral Covenant
We will be as honest as we can with each other.
We will speak to each other with respect.
We will communicate directly to each other using the first person.
We wills questions for clarification in order to confirm that we have understood correctly.
We will ask others to do that same.
We will affirm the merit of each others comments or suggestions before criticizing
We will strive to understand and speak from Factual information rather than jumping to conclusions. Based on assumptions or speculations
We will listen to understand one another's point of view, but do not necessarily have to agree.
Us Then
The Millbury Federated Church began as the Second Congregational Church, founded in 1834, and the Millbury Methodist Episcopal Church, founded in 1835. In 1918, faced with small numbers, the two churches began to explore the idea of federating, an unusual endeavor for the times.
On April 6, 1919, the first joint service was held. Ever since, we have continued to seek God’s vision for the Church, reaching out in faith to accomplish His will. Most Millbury residents are aware of a white church on Main Street situated between the Millbury National Bank and nearby Church Street which is named for it.
In 1919, the Federated Church was officially formed when the Methodist Episcopal Church joined the Second Congregational Church under the latter’s roof. Despite the joining of the two congregations, each group maintained separate membership rolls and each elected three of the six members of the board of management, an arrangement still in place today.
Just fifteen years after Millbury split from Sutton, the church that would one day become the Millbury Federated Church came into being. Today it is a fixture in the center of town and from Asa Waters II to William Howard Taft it has been intertwined with the rich history of Millbury which celebrated with its bicentennial in 2013 and he 100 years of the joining of the Methodist and Church of Christ this year.
Us Today
Millbury Federated Church is a church of imperfect people who love a perfect God. We believe that because we are imperfect we need a perfect savior and His name is Jesus. Because we are lost in sin, He came to us and taught us that we are loved, as imperfect as we are. We understand that the gift of salvation was freely given but at a high cost. We strive to share the message of love that Jesus gives to us with others who are seeking more than this world can offer, or who are lost. We believe that the bible is the word of God and we strive to be in Gods word and use it to live life to the fullest and to honor Him. We encourage you if you are looking for a church home, or are not sure what you are looking for, come and see us. We would be glad to meet you and share Gods love with you today.